Victim Stories
Gadolinium Awareness April 2017 Cyn - April 18, 2017 My life was ruined, as well as my 2 son's with this toxic metal. I am totally disabled and will not live much longer. My son's are suffering as well (only 8 and 24 yrs old). Please please take this off the market and develop treatments for this man made disease. KGF - May 3, 2017 My life as well as my family's lives have been forever changed because of gadolinium contrast. I received Gadavist in December 2015. I knew that day that I was in trouble. My health declined rapidly. Severe head pain/pressure/burning, cognitive issues, bone/joint pain, burning skin, and several other debilitating symptoms. There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not in pain. It's been a burden physically, emotionally, financially on me & my family. I will NEVER allow anyone I know & love to be infected with gadolinium! Don Denver - May 3, 2017 I contracted this horrible debilitating and extremely painf...
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